i shouldn’t speak on behalf of them. but from what i understand, the issue started with a small (to me it’s small) MISUNDERSTANDING. and you guys conformists just spreading and shit-talking about this guy without confronting him like what Wan did last night. you guys are the coward here. you just listen to one party, one side of story. me, i think i already listened to both parties. eventhough Amert is close to me, heck i met him every week, 2-3 times a week now but still it’s hard for me to determine which ones are saying the truth. i’m close to him doesnt mean i have to believe him since i know him not more than 3 years (?).
IF really he used to be racist, i think he already learned the mistakes. and that’s the purpose of living (to me). TO FUCKING LEARN.
i think this is same old bullshit repeating itself. if your friend/some influential party boycotts a person, you will boycott too, spread the thing when you don’t go and speak and get the explanation from that person yourself.
i know hc/punk and the world don’t have space for all these racists, homophobes, sexists blah blah you know. BUT there are always space to learn from mistake, change, be a better person…
i personally would love if the people who involved in those incidents themselves write here/somewhere explaining. or better meet and discuss. but last night, when we were discussing this, confronting each others,… some of the persons who spread the story were there and i’m sure they know we’re talking about this, why you just go away?? why you guys don’t come and listen and say what you heard, what you know and clear things up and stuffs? why? running from problem will never solve any issues.
and the saddest part of the story to me is all these happened because of a misunderstanding incident that he already cleared with those involved (from what i know). not a real racist case at all. NOT A RACIST CASE AT ALL.
now i have a question since i heard the rumors so I want the answer, i heard some of the guys in Gangbuster new line-up used to beat the hell out of foreign workers and throw them in the longkang and stuffs to pow money for beer. if that’s true, i hope they already changed. i heard that the OLD line-ups were really good and succeed in getting rid all of the nazis in Penang awhile ago. that’s why they are invited to play at Cherating’s anti-racist gig this 30th May.
“if this is hardcore, hey i’m staying with punk rock”
salam sejahtera pada semua...
ReplyDelete1stly adakah aku racist?
persoalan tu duk memusing2 di kepala2 org yg suke bercakap belakang pasal aku...org yg suke bercakp pasal aku racist tu kenal betul ngn aku ke?berani jamin munkin tidak ...
berhubung dengan perkara yg berlaku pada jumaat
lepas kat SSS, aku tergerak ati utk menulis serba sedikit dan suara hati aku...
pada mula nya aku agak terkejut ngn tindakan wan pada set dumdumtak..
tapi bila di pikir2kan tindakan yg wan buat tu lagi bagus dr org yg hanya pandai dan berani di belakang saja..wan beritahu yg dia tidak suke dengar ckp belakng so dia dgn beraninya terus buat keputusan utk bertanya,dan kena pada masa yg dumdumtak bermain ngn band beliau,alhamdulliah dia sudah dpt jawapan dr aku ngn fael(skunkfix,dumdumtak)
Thanks Wan kerna keberanian hang..
kalau la aku aku di cop rasist kenapa aku masih menyanyi dan speech menceritakan ttg keburukan
rasist dpn crowd ketika band aku Stick no bill dan dumdumtak beraksi.hipokrit la aku kalu mcm tu...duk suh org jgn amalkan sikap rasist tapi aku masih racist..tul tak?
kisah semasa aku di penang tempohari menjadi pengajaran utk aku lebih berwaspa dan belajar
dr kesilapan, tapi manusia di dunia ni masih suka dan mempunyai fikiran tipikal yg jika org tu buat salah
dia akan di cop salah sampai mati.. jika kita bg contoh jika ada tahi di muke seorng mamat ni..so dia basuh tahi tu..dan cube utk tidak mengotorkan lagi muke ngn dgn najis tu..
adakah dia still busuk dan kotor selepas tahi/najis tu di bersihkan... kenapa kita tak leh terima org yg sudah berubah n belajar dr kesilapan ...
pasal kes gang buster aku amat kenal n rapat ngn min.. dia bukan seorg yg mempunyai sikap yg di sebutkan diatas..(angpa semua pun kenai ngn min kan)
(gang buster di kenali sebagai band yg betui2 benci ngn manusia yg bersifat perkauman dan band yg paling berani
di belah utara pada zaman DEK WAN menjadi vokalis..hehehe)
munkin ada salah seorg @ 2 org dr ahli pasukan g.b yg baru yg bersikap sedemikian dan munkin dieorg pun dh berubah...syukur la..(aku harap dh berubah)(dan aku dengar cite depa pun dh tak main ngn g.b).kisah lama tu malas nk unkit dh jika semua dh belajar dan berubah...sekian..
thanks tu rakan2 dr nervhous rec yg still di samping aku walaupun benda mcm ni menimpa pada aku ngn fael...
pada wan hazril juga thanks sebb keberanian dia dan aku suke org yg berterus terang mcm beliau..
p/s aku mintak maaf pada semua jika apa aku post ni angpa tak berapa paham heheh
dan pada org yg masih mengangap aku seorg yg bersikap perkauman sila berjumpa n kita berbincang semeja..
tu lagi baik aku rasa...pada rakan2 lain yg masih racist aku berdoa yg angpa semua akan berubah dan belajar sesuatu.. k